Basil Albert Dobson and Elvie Louisa Sushames
3-Basil Albert Dobson was born on 19 Nov 1895 in Ulverstone, Tasmania, died on 20 Sep 1933 at age 37, and was buried in Sep 1933 in Penguin.
Basil married Elvie Louisa Sushames, daughter of John Benjamin Sushames and Caroline Spinks, on 2 Jun 1915 in Burnie, Tasmania. Elvie was born on 25 Aug 1890 in Ulverstone, Tasmania, died on 27 Oct 1977 at age 87, and was buried in Oct 1977 in Penguin. Another name for Elvie was Louie.
They had one son:
- Horace Ralph.
Basil Dobson, back row, third from left
Basil Dobson the youngest of the Dobson family of 15 married Louisa Sushames on the 2nd June, 1914 at Pine wood. He farmed at Riana for 20 years. Bazil was a well-respected resident of the district. He was also a member of the M.V.I.O.O.F. Lodge. Unfortunately he passed away at the early age of 39 years on 20th September, 1933. It is reported that he underwent an operation for hernia and appendicitis, was about to leave hospital when he suddenly collapsed.
Louisa retired to Penguin after Bazil's death where she remained until her death on 27th October, 1977 in her 88th year.
Son Ralph and his wife live in Burnie and in very recent years visited England in the hope of tracing any Dobson relatives.
A bible presented to Basil by his mother Sarah was inscribed thus in her handwriting: (note the way Sarah spelt Basil).
To Bazel Dobson, a present from his mother December 12th 1914.
Precious promise God has given to the
weary passer by,
All the way from earth to heaven,
I will
guide thee with mine eye Study its precious truth
for they are
able to make thee wise unto Salvation
4-Horace Ralph Dobson was born on 28 Dec 1915 in Pine Road, near Penguin. Another name for Horace was Ralph. Horace married Peg Dunn on 12 Nov 1943. Peg was born on 14 Apr 1924.