Eveline Julia Crothers and John William Miller
3-Eveline Julia Crothers was born on 22 Sep 1884 in Ringarooma, died on 29 Sep 1952 in Launceston at age 68, and was buried on 1 Oct 1952 in Carr Villa Cemetery, Launceston, Tasmania.
Eveline married John William (Bill) Miller on 21 Jun 1905 in Derby, Tasmania. John was born about 1876 in Emerald, Victoria, died on 2 Jul 1978 aged about 102, and was buried on 3 Jul 1978 in Carr Villa Cemetery, Launceston, Tasmania.

They had five children:
- Mavis Eveline
- Vida May
- Malcolm John (Mac)
- Eileen Ismey and
- Charles William.
Pictured are sisters Eileen and Eveleyn
4-Mavis Eveline Miller was born on 19 Mar 1911, died on 10 Jan 1996 in Hobart, Tasmania at age 84, and was buried on 12 Jan 1996 in Cornelian Bay, Hobart, Tasmania. Mavis married Gordon Arthur Beard, son of Frederick Thomas Beard and Ada Blanche Wagner, on 29 Aug 1936 in St Johns Church, Launceston. Gordon was born on 4 Feb 1910 in Bradshaws Creek, Tasmania and died on 26 Jul 1986 in Hobart, Tasmania at age 76. They had two children: Marjorie Evelyn and Kaylene Jeanette.
5-Marjorie Evelyn Beard.
5-Kaylene Jeanette Beard.
4-Vida May Miller died on 23 Apr 1982 in Launceston. Vida married George Thomas Bridgborn. George was born about 1893, died on 30 Sep 1981 in Launceston aged about 88, and was buried on 1 Oct 1981 in Launceston.
4-Malcolm John (Mac) Miller.
4-Eileen Ismey Miler.
4-Charles William Miller.