Daniel Standring
3-Daniel Standring was born about 1857. Following the death of his mother he was admitted to the Boys Orphan School on 22 Sep 1862.
On 13 Feb 1872, aged about 15, he was discharged to the service of Mrs Bromley, but within a couple of days he made his escape and fled to freedom in Melbourne. Sadly, no further trace of Daniel has been found, although one hopes he was able to make a good life for himself.
Reports of Crime for Police Information
1. Friday 16 February 1872. Queens Asylum
Absconded:- on the 13 instant [1872] from the service of Mrs. Bromley, Macquarie House, Hobart Town.
Daniel Lawson, an Orphan School apprentice.
Description:- 16 years of age, 5 feet, two inches high, light brown hair, stout build, ruddy complexion, wore dark brown coat vest and trousers, black cloth cap, new boots.
2. Friday March 1872
Vide Crime Report of the 16th ultimo, page 26.
A boy answering the description of Daniel Lawson left Launceston on 20th ultimo, on board the Derwent for Melbourne.